Family Offices

Today, it’s uncommon for a high net worth person to not be at least slightly interested in the crypto space. Even if they’re only willing to invest as little as 1% of their portfolio into crypto assets, providing them this service as a family office is what could set you apart from the competition. Myna is here to help you facilitate that service.

Maximise revenue

Being able to offer the latest investment opportunities is one of the best ways of bringing clients in and keeping them happy. They want to get into big opportunities early, and by providing them with that service, you’ll be giving them access to an exciting space. We’re here to help you and your clients get the most out of this additional line of revenue.

Competent and reliable

When providing a new service, you need to be able to prove to your client that you’re confident and competent. Myna helps you do this by lending you our knowledge and resources, so that your client knows that they can rely on you to provide them with the best possible service.

Why us?

As accountants with an expertise in crypto, we’re well qualified to help you work with clients who are interested in crypto assets. Our experience and qualifications speak for themselves, and our extensive links within the space mean that you’ll always have a helping hand.