Crypto Security and Custody

When you’re not in full control of your financial assets, you risk losing them. Perhaps worse, you’re also jeopardising the financial stability of your business. But it is possible to take control of your financial assets, and one of the most important steps is to take custody of them. As it’s often colloquially said in the industry: “Not your keys, not your coins”. Myna can help you take custody of your assets and secure them.

A solution you can trust

Taking control of your crypto assets can be a difficult task, and it’s hard to know who to trust to help you do it. Thanks to our tools, experience and track record, Myna has already been entrusted to help a number of clients secure their assets and has provided them with a crypto client account.

Reap the benefits of crypto

There are a number of factors that make crypto desirable, but one of its biggest benefits is the security it offers, which is why it attracts so many security conscious people. Myna wants to facilitate this by helping our clients get the most out of the security that crypto has to offer. We’ll advise you on best practices for securing custody of your assets and setting financial controls that will help keep your assets safe.

Why us?

We’re experts in the field of crypto security and custody. Having already helped many clients secure their assets, we have the experience and knowledge to help you too. We’re always exploring new and innovative ways of keeping your assets safe, and our close relationships with a number of providers ensures that we’re always able to offer you the best possible solution.