
Despite what many may believe, crypto related crimes are proportionally much less common than fiat related crimes. However, there are still some instances where criminals have managed to exploit weaknesses to steal from or defraud crypto investors. Myna uses its expertise to help catch those responsible.

Recovering your assets

In many cases when crypto assets have been stolen, it’s not the big corporations that lose out. It’s a large number of every day investors, who have put a large amount of their saving into crypto. While it can be extremely difficult to recover assets once they’ve been stolen due to the nature of crypto, it is possible in some cases. By first tracking any illicitly gained assets, we use our skills our resources to help law enforcement agencies recover those assets.

Waving the flag for crypto

We know that some people, perhaps due to misunderstanding or lack of knowledge of the space, still view crypto in a negative light. As a company so invested in the future of crypto, we fight hard to show crypto for the positive and innovative technology that it really is, and this includes working to identify the small number of people who manage to take advantage of the positives crypto has to offer.

Why us?

We’re able to offer knowledge and skills that few others can match. We’re qualified professionals, meaning that our work methods and results can be trusted. With the experience we have, you’ll be hard pressed to find another accountancy group that can provide services that we can. We have experience of Part 35 of the Civil and Procedure Rules (CPR) working with and can bring experienced expert witnesses in conjunction with reporting on the events of the case.